Franklin Display - Sustainability

Environmental and Climate Policy

Policy Purpose

At Franklin Display Group, we recognize and acknowledge the importance of environmental conservation and the protection of our environment. FDG is committed to continual improvement of environmental performance. The purpose of FDG's Environmental and Climate Policy is to establish the direction for the company's environmental and climate strategy.

 FDG shall:

  • Operate in compliance with the laws and regulations that govern our environmental practices
  • Consider environmental issues in making business strategies
  • Commit to reducing our environmental impact through initiatives that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, water usage, and raw materials
  • Train employees on environmental considerations
  • Identify and implement projects that improve energy efficiency

The environmental and climate policy shall be reviewed at least once every three years.

Franklin Display - Sustainability

Environmental and Climate Policy

With the support of the FDG executive management, the ESG Team is responsible for setting environmental and climate commitments.

Franklin Display Group's climate goal is to reduce its absolute Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 25% by 2030 from a 2023 baseline. Our approach is to measure our carbon emissions in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocols (GHGP) and to set near-term greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets.

Note: The climate target is applicable for market-based electricity emissions.

We are committed to making continuous progress to reduce our carbon footprint at Franklin Display Group. As part of that process, Franklin Display Group will further define its carbon emissions reduction strategies and implement pollution mitigations. Reducing our carbon emissions will improve the quality of life for our community and employees and reduce the impact of global warming.



Waste and Recycling Policy

FDG's goal is to minimize waste by the following hierarchy: prevention, reuse, recycling, and landfill. Materials commonly recycled at FDG include metal, cardboard, paper, plastic, and pallets.